Server Rules
By entering and playing in our servers, you agree to the following:
Be nice or be gone. This includes being nice to admins and other players.
No hacking/exploiting. Usage of third party programs/scripts or map exploits to gain an in-game advantage is prohibited, and will be enforced. Offenders will be permanently banned from our server.
Directional/Excessive Swearing/Trash Talking/Usage of Vulgarity and usage of such words towards others are forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, the full or abbreviated use of foul language.
Sexual, drug, or alcohol references is not allowed. It doesn't matter if you're only referencing innuendo, medical drugs, or what your favorite brew is. It's prohibited from our server, so don't speak of it here.
Racism/Sexism is a not allowed. Even if you think it's not offensive, don't do it. And no, "I'm also " isn't going to help you and you will be banned.
Purposely bypassing our chat filters will result in a ban.
Regards, dzaircorp Team.
Purposely bypassing our chat filters will result in a ban.
Regards, dzaircorp Team.